Name: Hannah Lange
Parents: Jennifer and Troy Lange
School Activities: I manage girls varsity basketball, sing in the choir, and I am currently serving as President of the Spring Valley-Wykoff FFA chapter.
Activities/Work Outside of School: My job is the social media manager for Chisholm Motorsports. I am not involved in any other structured activities.
Your Favorite Class and Why? My favorite class is Introduction to U.S. Politics taught by Professor Tom Woodhouse at Riverland Community College. This is my favorite class simply because politics as well as government are extremely interesting to me. It is also vital to know how our government works so that you can remain an informed citizen.
Why is a Solid Education Important? Everyone has the right to a solid education. It can give you the opportunity to expand your horizons and take you places that you never thought you would be able to go. It is important that people are educated, especially my generation, because one day, we will be the ones in a leadership position or law-making position.
Immediate Plans After High School Graduation: My plans after graduation are to enjoy the summer as much as possible before I attend college at North Iowa Area Community College to study graphic communications.
Long-Term Plans/Goals: My plans are to graduate from college and obtain a job in a graphic communications/marketing department. My goal is to travel to at least five countries.
Note: The Spring Valley Kiwanis Club annually recognizes the top academic performers at Kingsland High School. Kiwanis will recognize Hannah and her parents during the Dec. 8 meeting at the Spring Valley Community Center.