Business Listings & Tools in Spring Valley
The Spring Valley Economic Development Authority stands ready to help you with your business needs!

Whether you are an existing business looking to grow, looking to relocate, have business space to rent, lease or sell, or looking to start your business in Spring Valley, we have tools and resources available! The EDA can assist with various financial resources, including an EDA loan programs and identifying local, regional and state grant programs to help you grow. We offer a searchable business listing to ensure that Spring Valley businesses are visible to the community. Our listing will also allow businesses to stay informed about critical news and updates on issues that directly affect our community. Businesses can also advertise available space and property on our site free of charge to help “get the word out” about Spring Valley opportunities.
“Helping our businesses succeed is a long-term investment in our community that builds the foundation for a vibrant future.”
Business Tools & Resources
Whether you are just starting a new business or would like to expand your existing business, we have the tools and resources to help. Click to explore any of the resource links below, or if you are looking for information on a different subject, please reach out to our EDA Director at the below phone number and e-mail.
- Revolving Loan Application
- Small Business Administration
- Small Business Development Center
- Local Lenders
- Digital Marketing/ Social Media Guide
- Business Succession Planning
- Small Business Guide for U.S. Veterans (Digital.com)
- Succeed with Social Media
Chris Hahn, EDA Director
Phone: 612-327-9729
Email: director@springvalleyeda.org