Original article published in the Mower County Independent, Thursday, February 22, 2024. Reprinted with permission and gratitude.
By Gretchen Mensink Lovejoy
“I grew up in a household where reading was very much encouraged. We had limited funds, but my mom always made sure we could buy books when the school book orders came home,” recalled Spring Valley Public Library’s (SVPL) new director, Melissa Vander Plas, continuing, “At that time, country kids had to pay to use the public library because there was not county funding for rural patrons, and it wasn’t an expense my family could afford.”
A small child’s acquaintance with a school librarian made a world of difference for the growing bibliophile who would someday aspire to become a library director. She explained, “We had a school librarian, Paula Michel, who made it possible for me to have a library card, and I’ve had a library card ever since that first time. She was a mentor through the years, and she provided private resources when I was going to Hawaii. She proofread my college papers, and when I started working at the newspaper, she was great about giving me ideas for a news story. I was one story out of many how she influenced the community.”
Vander Plas is proud to be the kind of reader who wants to hold a real book in hand, to turn pages and inhale the aroma of paper and binding – honoring the investment Michel made in her by becoming someone who will gather and savor a book’s plot and characters. She’s usually working her way through a stack of books she’s long awaited to be available either in bookstores, online bookstores, or of most definite importance, in the library’s collections. Her current library card is likely worn from its use, but that’s just one more way to show that she truly enjoys words on a page. “I just really love books. I like reading, crocheting, knitting, quilting, staying up too late watching movies….and people know about my two cats from reading about them in my news column.”
Vander Plas shared how she came to be a library director after years of serving as reporter and editor for Phillips Publishing and Bluff Country News Group and director of chambers of commerce. “My 25 years at Phillips Publishing and my experience at Preston Public Library for five years, and my work with the Harmony and Lanesboro chambers of commerce really provided me with the skills I need to confidently do this job. I would have wanted to do it earlier, but I was not quite ready. I guess I wanted to pay it forward from Paula Michel to the community.” She’s pleased to be at the checkout desk at SVPL after years of waiting to grow into her current occupation. “I’m excited to be here and I look forward to getting to know people much better. I’m very excited that the Spring Valley library is loved and well used by its community. We are busy, and I love it. It’s a beautiful space. And while I live in Harmony now, I do plan to move to Spring Valley…my intention is to live here and become part of the community, to join committees and civic clubs.”
She listed the full calendar of upcoming events at the library that will entertain and educate attendees, citing, “Upcoming programs here – we’re currently hosting a collection for the food shelf through a partnership with the Bloomfield Cloverleaves 4-H Club, and for every item of food the 4-H collects, they will donate $1 to the library through March 1. The Minnesota Author Tour is coming up. Nothing is confirmed yet, but that will be held in March and April, and then we’ve got the children’s summer reading program in June and July, and I can’t wait – I love that. We have a lot of kids who come in, even after school. The hours are going back to include Thursdays at the beginning of March, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We’ve had ‘Bring Your Child to the Library Day’ on February 3, and we had a great response to that, so I’m so excited to be open again on Saturdays, on the first Saturday of the month. We may not have special programs going on, but if you see me around and you ask for a book recommendation, I will make one. And if there’s a kiddo who finds a book, or if they see me around, I might pick a book and read it for them.”
Furthermore, she’s thankful for library assistants Jeanette Ramaker and Jenny Lovejoy, as they have helped her learn the library’s routines, and also for the Friends of the Spring Valley Public Library and the help they offer as volunteers. “I want to thank you, Friends of the Spring Valley Public Library, for the support you’re giving. They’ll have a big book sale at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Hall on April 20, and there’s something for everyone.”
Vander Plas invited the public to stop in at the library to exchange greetings, to check the library’s calendar, and to find out what’s available to patrons and visitors inside her favorite place where the stories are never the same from cover to cover. “I encourage people to utilize the services we provide here. If they have book suggestions, we hope that they share them. If they have program ideas, let us know. The information and opportunities we provide here include – but are not limited to – books.”
She concluded by reiterating, “I’m excited to be here. I just really love books…this job allows me to push books. I’d like people to come into the library, to utilize the services we provide here.”
The Spring Valley Public Library is located on Jefferson Street, just behind First National Bank. For more information, call 507-346-2100.
Courtesy of the Mower County Independent, 135 E Main St. LeRoy, MN 55951, (507)-324-5325