Being drawn by the flourishing audiobook market, Tom and Ben Kelley bring their exciting vision of The Audio Bakery to Spring Valley. The transformation of the old Spring Valley Bakery is underway with the introduction of this new audio-bakery business. “Our audiobook production facility offers a real ‘baker’s dozen’ on Broadway Avenue with a lovely glass store-front and all of the original confectionary cases inside, creating a warm, sweet inspiration for those making and reading history in the audio booth and recording studio,” states co-owner Tom Kelley. This family team of Tom, Carin and Ben offers readers the ability to record or publish many subjects or interests ranging from “grandfather’s photos and recollections of exploits; a rock band’s stories, with their music; tales of home or family history; wartime service, or that yet unpublished great American novel.”
Tom elaborates, “Our ability to take a dream and turn it into a reality is at the core of our business. The Audio Bakery can make these dreams come true in either a printed word – traditional – book form (words and pictures) or the recently popular audiobook (spoken words, sounds and audio effects) using audio booth software developed by Ben which is also available for businesses to purchase.”
Read the full story by Mary Whalen from the January 9th edition of Fillmore County Journal here!