Parents: Jamie and Kammy Fenske
School Activities: I am involved in volleyball, basketball, softball, FFA, Key Club, National Honor Society and Student Council.
Activities/Work Outside of School: I work at Minnwest Bank as a universal banker. I am involved in my church’s youth group. I also help coach T-ball and youth baseball for Spring Valley Park and Rec.
Your Favorite Class and Why? My favorite class this year is human biology because I enjoy learning about all of the different muscles and bones.
Why is a Solid Education Important? A solid education is important because it helps us learn and grow and allows us to be prepared for our future jobs that will set us up for the rest of our lives.
Immediate Plans after High School Graduation: My plans are to attend college and finish my generals and then go on to become a pediatric nurse.
Long-term Plans/Goals: My long-term plans/goals are to graduate college as a pediatric nurse.
Note: The Spring Valley Kiwanis Club annually recognizes the top academic performers at Kingsland High School. Kiwanis will recognize Kennedy and her parents during the Feb. 16 meeting at the Spring Valley Community Center.