Due to the Independence Day holiday, the Kingsland School Board met on July 6 for their monthly “work session.” Superintendent Scott Klavetter highlighted the list of staffing updates, which includes new hires Abagail Palkowski (elementary sped teacher), Nathan Carolan (building and grounds director), Collin Boekhoff (elementary teacher), and John Pereda (high school guidance counselor). It was noted that Mike Johnson is retiring from his bus driver position, and Lindsey Gries will be on maternity leave.
Klavetter reported on the gym roof storm damage repair situation. He reported, “The roof was turned in to insurance in early March, with the assumption that the damage was done, as you recall, back in those December storms… We have had multiple roofing companies look at the gym roof over the past couple weeks, and the consensus is that the gym roof will need to be replaced before winter.” He went on to explain that he’s had to push back with the insurance company, because their initial assessment was that the damage was simply due to normal wear and tear due to aging, rather than storm damage. He said the roofing professionals who have examined the roof said there are clear indicators of storm damage, so the insurance should cover the loss. Klavetter will continue communication with the insurance company to “take a second look.”