Kiwanis – Love Lights a Tree

The Kiwanis Club of Spring Valley is having their annual Love Lights a Tree event 5:00 p.m., Sunday, November 24, 2024, at the corner of Grant St. and N. Broadway.

Love Lights a Tree is a remembrance for families who have lost loved ones to cancer and other end of life diseases and a fund raiser for families who are currently experiencing life altering issues.  Funds are raised by community members donating $10.00 for one person remembered or $25.00 for three people remembered.  Luminaries are provided for each person designated.  Memorial contributions can be dropped off or mailed to a Spring Valley church or to the Kiwanis Club of Spring Valley, P.O. Box 133, Spring Valley, MN 55975, by November 18.  Checks are to be made out to Love Lights a Tree and include in or on the envelope a list of honorees.

If you live in the greater Spring Valley area and are in need of some financial support for yourself or others dealing with illness or other life altering issues you are encouraged to notify the Spring Valley Ministerial Association or a Kiwanis Club member.



Nov 24 2024


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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